PEOPLE across the region are inundating charity sites with frivolous crowdfunding requests.

Whether it’s raising money to become Batman or asking for donations toward a hat that will cover a receding hairline, the region’s jokers are out in force online.

Sites like are predominately used for those hoping to raise money for good causes.

However, they are increasingly becoming littered with less serious campaigns and self-serving fundraising attempts.

Alongside fun runs, sponsored head-shaves and other charitable concerns are pages devoted to light-hearted appeals and those trying to persuade strangers to fund their private lives.

One such example comes from a wannabe superhero from Colburn, North Yorkshire, trying to raise a mere £9m to become Batman.

His appeal said: “I’m the obvious choice for Batman because I’m a legend.

“In order for me to become Batman I will have to be a billionaire.

“I have £1,800 in premium bonds, which is not enough to be Batman.”

A friend of one balding North-Easterner launched his fundraising page in a bid to buy his mate a £1 woolly hat.

More plaintive money-making attempts come from those trying to raise money to go on holiday, to afford their own car, or to give their partner a Valentine’s treat.

One Stockton man’s page says: “I’d like to give my girlfriend her first Valentine’s date…

“Unfortunately our financial situation has taken a massively negative turn and it’s my goal to give her the day she deserves.”

Another enterprising gentleman simply asks for enough donations to afford a fortnight’s break in Hawaii – and enough cash to pay kennel fees for his dog.

Concern has been expressed that genuinely charitable causes could be losing out to those hijacking fundraising sites.

When asked about the matter, Darlington Police’s Neighbourhood Inspector Caroline Dawson said: “It’s not a criminal matter but this kind of thing could make it very difficult for someone hoping to donate to charity as they’ll probably get sick of trawling through silly pages.”

A statement on says the high volume of campaigns means it is not feasible for the site to investigate each page for veracity and recommends its users only donate to those they know and trust.

The Northern Echo received a response from the site’s failed Batman, whose campaign failed to attract funders.

He said: “I set the page up as a joke with no intention of taking money from people.

“I hope no-one has wasted their money – I’m too fat to be Batman.”