A STRANGE creature that looks like a cross between a bear and cat has been introduced to the public at Kirkleatham Owl Centre near Redcar.

Imelda the binturong arrived a centre a few months ago but has only now been shown to the public and is also making visits to schools,

Also called bearcats the binturongs, related to civets, are also called Palawan Binturongs after the Palawan island province of the Philippines where it can be found in the wild.

The creatures have a tail that’s as long as its body and can hang from it on trees. They can turn their ankles 180 degrees so their claws can still grip when climbing down a tree headfirst.

Their diet consists mainly of fruit, with figs being a favourite, but they will also eat eggs, frogs and even small birds if they can catch them.

Craig Wesson, manager at Kirkleatham Owl Centre, said the people-friendly creature would be on display all half term week at the zoo after making her debut on Saturday.

He said: "Imelda has a lot of growing to do: she will eventually be double her current size. She has a popcorn-type smell. That's because all members of the civet family have very distinct smells they rely heavily on scent marking their territories."