FOSTER families have been enjoying days out at a wildlife centre in North Yorkshire.

The Hipswell Habitat project, at Catterick Garrison, has been chosen by Fostering North Yorkshire as a location for new carers to meet families who have been fostering children for some time.

The centre has a bird hide, bird feeding station, ponds, a woodland walk and an area for youngsters to run around.

Nigel Roberts, Fostering North Yorkshire's service manager, said: "It is important that we make life as easy as possible for foster carers and we do try to put a lot of effort into finding a range of things for children of all ages.

"Not only do days like this help to support new carers by introducing them to old hands in the Richmond area, but in the process they are providing carers with some great ideas for where to take children this summer."

Sarah Sharpe, a respite carer from Bedale, said: "As a family, we get an awful lot out of fostering. It brings us together as a family. We sit down together, eat together and do things together as a family, that's the biggest thing, and of course days like today are always welcome in the holidays."

Anyone interested in becoming a foster carer can contact Fostering North Yorkshire on 0800-389-2362.