A FUND to support charities and voluntary groups will continue until 2017, thanks to a £3m pledge.

Since 2011, the Fresh Ideas Fund has helped 60 organisations bring in more money and deliver new services.

Now the Northern Rock Foundation (NRF) has pledged £3m to the new Northstar Foundation, which will work with the Community Foundation for Tyne and Wear and Northumberland to continue supporting the Fund to 2017.

NRF closed its main grant programmes last December and is no longer accepting applications; but this year it is making a series of legacy announcements.

Alastair Balls, its chairman, said: “Trustees are pleased to be able to continue to provide some much needed grant funding for charities for the next three years.

“We hope that the relationship between the Northstar Foundation and the Community Foundation will strengthen links between businesses and the voluntary sector that will have long lasting benefits.”

For more information on the Fund, visit communityfoundation.org.uk/apply or call 0191-222-0945.

The deadline for applications for the first round of funding is June 26.