A MUSICAL event with a country and western theme is coming to Northallerton.

The town's silver band is presenting Paul Wheater in concert, at Hambleton Forum on Friday, March 23, and is hoping audience members wear fancy dress.

Band chairman David Prest said: "We have just been on holiday to the States and I thought I would pick myself up a cowboy hat and cowboy belt just for a bit of fun and to give the audience a laugh.

"At our October concert last year, the band put on fancy dress for the second half, and it went down well with the audience.

"Last week I got my wife a pink cowboy hat, so anyone else who wants to join in is welcome, but it is not obligatory."

This concert has become an annual event due to Mr Wheater's many supporters in the area.

Tickets for the event, which will begin at 7.30pm, are £5 and available from the Northallerton Bookshop. Proceeds will go towards band funds.