A HEART patient has urged smokers to take a leaf out of his book and kick the habit.

Jim Maclean, 54, delivered the anti-smoking message to staff, patients and the public during a drop-in session at Northallerton's Friarage Hospital yesterday to mark No Smoking Day.

Mr Maclean, from Leeming Bar, was shocked into giving up smoking after he suffered a heart attack.

Doctors told him he had only two years to live and that he should get a coffin - so he tried to quit smoking again, this time successfully.

He received advice and support from North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service and used a nasal spray to help him.

He said: "I am grateful to the doctors and the smoking service for their help and encouragement.

"Now I have given up, I am feeling fitter and healthier and I also sleep better, which is an added benefit.

"I am also better off financially and would encourage anyone thinking of giving up to take the plunge and have a go as it will change their lives."

Beryl Larder, an occupational health nurse and midwife Christiane Adams, a trained stop smoking advisor, offered help and advice at the event to those wanting to quit smoking and measured people's carbon monoxide levels with a smoke-alyser.

They also ran a competition to guess the number of cigarette butts with a prize for the person who guessed the correct number.

For help to give up smoking, call North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service on 0845-877-0025.