A DIRECTORY of outlets in County Durham which sell Fairtrade goods is to be launched this week.

Fairtrade producers from Nicaragua and Uganda will help promote the directory, which has been compiled by Durham County Council, at an event in County Hall on Friday.

The directory highlights the range of Fairtrade goods on the market, in addition to detailing the venues where they can be bought.

Councillor Ernie Foster, chairman of the county council, said: "The event gives people the opportunity to discover more about Fairtrade first-hand from producers, pick up a copy of the directory, and learn more about the council's commitment to Fairtrade.

"It's all about raising awareness of Fairtrade and encouraging others to use Fairtrade products.

"The Fairtrade Mark ensures the price covers the producers' costs.

"In addition, there is a premium for producers to invest in their communities, and long term and more direct trading relations."

Ten thousand copies of the Fairtrade Directory, which lists more than 100 outlets, including grocers, supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, have been produced.

It was collated following a survey to assess the level of availability and awareness of Fairtrade across a range of retailers, and additional work was carried out in Durham City and Chester-le-Street through local Fairtrade Partnerships.

The directory details will also be available on the county council's website, www.durham. gov.uk