A QUESTIONNAIRE has found that four out of five young people are dissatisfied with the activities and facilities in their town.

The Shildon Children and Young Peoples' Action Network (SCYPAN) questionnaire was distributed to the town's primary and secondary schools.

Children aged between four and 16 were asked for their views on issues such as health, environment and the economy. It was found that:

* 78 per cent of 11 to 16-year-old respondents were not satisfied with the activities and facilities provided;

* Of the activities on offer, 58 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds said they were prevented from taking part, citing transport and cost as the main issues;

* A third of 11 to 16-year-olds said Shildon was generally unsafe with three-quarters claiming specific areas were unsafe;

* 77 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds were unhappy with the appearance of the town, with litter, dirt and vandalism emerging as the main concerns.

Laura Augar, community development worker and member of SCYPAN, said she was not surprised by the results.

She said: "I think that people suspected that young people thought this way but one of the benefits of the questionnaire is that we can pinpoint these issues rather than go on what we suspected.

"It has helped the network by providing evidence for when we look at funding and so that we can develop responses."

The questionnaire follows a survey of providers of children and young people's activities in Shildon. The results found five to 16-year-olds have the greatest number of groups and organisations providing services and activities for them.

But young people over 16 have the fewest organisations providing for them with no organisations that cater specifically for them.

Miss Augar said SCYPAN was keen to try and address these issues. "We have developed the Big Vote where we ask children and young people what they would like to do," she said. "We had some funding available and we are looking to organise at least a couple of trips a week, starting in spring, so that young people can go to the cinema, tenpin bowling and rock climbing, activities identified in the Big Vote."

For more details about proposed activities, call the Shildon Centre on 01388-777948.