PLANS to build up to 66 homes and new industrial units in Weardale have been submitted to Durham County Council.

Peter Monkhouse, from Crook, is seeking outline permission for a mixed use scheme on the eastern edge of Wolsingham, surrounding Ward Terrace.

The developer hopes the industrial units will attract new businesses to the town, while allowing existing businesses on the site to relocate into better premises.

There would also be open spaces and up to 66 two storey homes with three to five bedrooms.

Last November, nearby households were invited to comment on the proposals, with their responses resulting in several amendments to the application.

In a document submitted with the plans, Mr Monkhouse’s agents, PlanArch Design, stated: “The result of this process is a site which has the potential to provide a desirable development using four house types with a mixture of bedrooms which seek to appeal to the requirements of local people who live, and wish to continue to live, in the area, and who wish to live in an attractive development.”

Residents have until Thursday, March 19, to comment on the application at

One resident has already voiced support for the development.

“As property owners at Ward Terrace my wife and I are pleased to support the proposal in its present term,” he said.

“We would be very happy to see a sympathetic development at the entrance to the village.”

Another resident raised concerns about drainage and requested for the field between Atwood Terrace and Ward Terrace to remain as open space to retain views and light.