POLICE are urging Christmas shoppers in Chester-le-Street to protect their cash and credit cards from thieves who have been targeting the town centre.

The warning comes following a spate of purse snatches during the past few weeks in which elderly people, in particular, have been targeted.

Police initiatives are under way to combat the problem including the handing out of tiny cat bells to shoppers.

The bells, linked to a split ring, are attached to purses and their tinkling alerts owners to any attempt by pickpockets to take them.

"At the beginning of the year we handed out about 2,000 of the gold-coloured bells to shoppers in a bid to stop purse snatches.

"The initiative proved very successful and we are hoping they will have the same effect in the run-up to Christmas and beyond," said PC Steven Brown, community beat officer for the town centre.

"It's a hectic time of year for shoppers, but they need to be vigilant and keep their purses and wallets safely out of sight at all times so they don't make themselves an easy target.

"I would also encourage members of the public who spot a fellow shopper they consider vulnerable to theft to either alert the person or ask a shop assistant to do so," said PC Brown.

High-visibility patrols by police officers and police community support officers in the town centre have also be stepped up.

People can get advice on crime prevention by calling the police non-emergency number on 0845-6060365.