AN undercover operation to catch a bogus trader in the act could land him in court.

Trading standards officials in Hartlepool have signalled their determination to protect consumers after mounting a classic "sting" operation.

Following complaints about a trader said to be driving around town selling leather three-piece suites, officers made contact and arranged for him to visit a bungalow in the town.

After describing one of the suites to a trading standards officer, he was then interviewed in the presence of the police and had two suites seized - both of which turned out to be PVC-coated fabric rather than leather.

The man could face prosecution for allegedly falsely describing the fabric under the Trade Descriptions Act.

Michael Welsh, Hartlepool Borough Council's principal trading standards officer, said: "We had received a number of complaints from embarrassed and disappointed consumers. Some had paid up to £600 for their so-called bargains.

"Our advice to people is simple - be on your guard against unsolicited offers from traders who either stop you in the street or knock at your door."

To report suspect traders or adverts, contact trading standards on 01429-523362.