A PLANNED network of computer kiosks offering round-the-clock community information was launched yesterday.

The first of nine iPlus Points was unveiled at the Glebe Centre in Murton, to allow residents to report problems or access information round the clock.

Councillor Dan Myers, Easington District Council's executive member for customer services, said: "The majority of the kiosks will be located outside, so members of the public will be able to use them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, giving them more choice about when they access services.

"We've tried to include those organisations and services we believe are most important to people living in the district. However, it was felt that round-the-clock access was particularly important for reporting environmental problems."

Residents will be able to use the kiosks to report problems, such as abandoned cars, dog fouling and fly tipping.

Users will also be able to look up information about organisations including Childline, Women's Aid, the National Missing Persons' Helpline, Connexions and Crimestoppers.

Users will also be able to send free emails, access news from the BBC, look for jobs and plan journeys.

By the end of the month, kiosks are to be opened in Blackhall Resource Centre, Peterlee town centre, Front Street, Seaham, Thornley, Wingate Community Centre, the Robin Todd Centre, South Hetton, The Green, Haswell, and Blackhills Terrace, Horden.