A JUDGE told a heroin addict he wished he could deal with his drug addiction so he could lead a useful life.

David Isodje, of Wicklow Street, Middlesbrough, was said by a despairing Judge Tony Briggs to have a typical heroin addict's criminal record with a number of shop thefts to his name.

The 34-year-old was arrested by police after undercover officers began an operation to make 'test' purchases of heroin in the Gresham area of the town at the back end of last year.

Isodje led one officer, who had asked him for drugs, to a dealer, buying £20 worth of heroin and a rock of crack cocaine.

Once back at his home he split the deal and gave the undercover officer his half in a used betting slip.

Isodje's case could have been adjourned as a pre-sentence report on him was not available. However his barrister Andrew Teate said he had indicated he wanted to go to prison and wished to be sentenced.

He pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply on December 14 last year.

Mr Teate said: “He is essentially a drug user who buys and uses heroin. There is no indication that this defendant is involved in the regular supply of drugs, other than on this one occasion.”

Judge Briggs gave Isodje some words of advice before jailing him for 15 months.