A 16-YEAR-OLD who threw bricks through the windows of a village school has been ordered to pay compensation for the damage.

The boy, from Leeholme, near Bishop Auckland, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will pay £60 towards the cost of replacing the broken windows at Coundon Primary School, Coundon, which he smashed in August, Bishop Auckland Magistrates' Court heard.

He and another boy were caught throwing bricks at the windows by a school caretaker, the court was told.

The 16-year-old was found guilty of criminal damage at an earlier trial.

He was ordered to pay £60 compensation and £100 towards court costs.

A supervision order he was subject to was also extended by 18 hours.

The other boy involved in the incident, a 13-year-old from Leeholme, pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal damage in September.

He was ordered to pay £60 compensation, £34 towards prosecution costs and given a three-month community order.