About 3 weeks ago I noticed that my dog was panting, licking his lips, yawning, and rubbing his face on the carpet. I took him to the vet and we tried changing his diet (to rice and chicken) and benedryl twice a day. His symptoms didn't go away. My vet checked his nose, throat and ears and found that he had an infection in his throat and nose. My vet described his throat as foamy and soupy. We tried antibiotics and more benedryl for a week but the symptoms are still persistant. My vet is at a loss and is going to send me to a specialist this week. Thanks for any light you can shed on the situation.



Dear Kim,
I would take up the referral as hopefully the specialist will have more equipment that may help to identify the problem. I would be looking at radiographs and rhinoscopy as the first port of call as you will often find a nasophayngeal foreign body or a dental abscessation problem being present. It is very hard really from what you describe to give any further detailed advice but at least your vet is looking at referring early on which is a mark of credit to them.

James Haddow