A FULL-scale search is underway for a pensioner who went missing from her home on Saturday night.

Mountain Rescue teams from Cleveland and Teesdale & Weardale helped police scour footpaths and farmland around Egglescliffe, near Stockton, in search of Carol Millman, who disappeared sometime between 9.15pm on Saturday and 1.20am yesterday (SUNDAY).

She is understood to have been a runner and so her regular routes were being searched by up to 30 Mountain Rescue volunteers from 9am yesterday. They were stood down later in the afternoon as police concentrated their searches by the river.

Cleveland Fire Brigade carried out two searches of the River Tees, which runs close to Mrs Millman’s home, with its boat but found nothing.

Fears are growing for the 69-year-old, who went missing from the home she shares with her husband in Egglescliffe Village, near Eaglescliffe.

Officers have already carried out a search of the local area with the help of the police dog section, road police officers and the police helicopter.

Barry Warrington, of Cleveland Mountain Rescue, said specially-trained search and rescue dogs had also been used in the operation.

He said: “The search and rescue dogs would be able to detect someone who was lying down, perhaps with a broken ankle or something. They haven’t found anything today. There are lots of footpaths in the area and it is a highly accessible area for people to walk so there are a lot of places to search and the team has been out since 9am looking.”

Police said more searches were underway and members of the public were being asked to look out for the missing lady.

She is described as white, of slim build and with fair hair. She usually wears gold stud earrings, a black strapped watch and gold engagement and wedding rings.

There is no description available of her clothing, except that she is probably wearing flat black shoes.

Anyone who has seen her is asked to call Cleveland Police immediately on 101.