A JUDGE spoke of celebrity sex scandals when he sentenced a man for indecently assaulting a schoolgirl a decade ago.

Alan Whittingham kissed the youngster over her clothed breast and on the cheek after enticing her upstairs in his Hartlepool home, Teesside Crown Court was told.

The 53-year-old industrial cleaner stopped the assault when the girl pleaded with him, but only after telling her: "I will as long as you don't tell anyone."

Whittingham was found guilty of indecent assault after a trial last month, and was given a three-year community order with supervision when he returned to be sentenced.

Judge Howard Crowson said a prison term - in the region of seven months - would not help the public or address any "lingering concerns" there might be.

Explaining why he was sparing the father, the judge said all cases were "factually specific" and should be dealt with in accordance with guidelines.

Acknowledging the difficulties and how people perceive the crimes and punishments, defence barrister David Lamb said: "We as lawyers understand that, but it may be that the general public do not."

Judge Crowson said: "Even today there are reports in the media with very different facts to this where questions are being asked about sentences.

"The sentences are guided by the guidelines. I cannot send him to prison and expect the work that the Probation Service offer to be done because of limitations."

He added: "It would be easy to simply send you to prison for a relatively short time, following the guidelines, but I take the view in your case that a more difficult sentence almost which offers greater protection for the public at large is a community order for three years."

Whittingham, of Carlton Street, Hartlepool, was also ordered to sign on the sex offenders' register for five years.