A DISABLED group has been praised for its work in the community .

Ron Hogg, Police and Crime Commissioner for Durham, recently met members of the force’s Disability Independent Advisory Group He discussed his policing plans for tackling hate crime and domestic abuse with members at Bowburn Community Centre.

At the meeting, which took place on Thursday, Mr Hogg said: “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank these individuals for the valuable work and effort that they do for the benefit of our communities, for raising awareness of disability and for being active volunteers in tackling disability related issues on behalf of the public.

“The work that is being carried out is brilliant and I look forward to working with them in the future.”

Members have a range of disabilities and volunteer their time and knowledge to look into various issues and opportunities for people with disabilities across the force area.

Group chairman Anne Mumford said: “We are all delighted that Mr Hogg gave up his time to come and address the group and that he has made crimes against vulnerable people such a priority.

“We are a group which represents people with different disabilities and hope that we can work together with Mr Hogg to help him deliver his priorities, which many vulnerable people in our communities will benefit from.”