CONCERNS have been raised about plans to create a housing development in north Durham.

The Durham Villages Regeneration Company has applied for full planning permission to build on land at Meadow View in Dipton.

It wants to build 54 houses on the site near Palmer Road and Plunkett Road, but the proposal has angered residents.

Norris Oyston, of Plunkett Road, Dipton, who has written to the authority opposing the scheme, said: “Many residents are seriously concerned as to the merits of this proposed development and the potential impact upon both their lives and the environment.”

Philip Bond, who lives near the site, has also written a letter of objection to the council on behalf of a committee of ten residents.

He said: “This area of land comprises a field which for many years has been used for grazing purposes together with a substantial part of an existing recreational area which is maintained by the council.”

In January 2009 residents were successful in opposing an attempt by Derwentside District Council to transfer part of the site to Derwentside Homes. Two petitions containing 286 signatures and 331 individual letters of objection were received by the authority against the proposal.

Mr Bond said: “Over the last few months Durham County Council has been preparing its new County Durham plan, part of which identifies preferred housing sites. This site is not included.

“At this stage the council has, at no point, notified or consulted with residents on its intention to develop this site for housing purposes.”

The company has submitted a design and access statement to the council has part of the application.

It said: “The proposal provides a wide choice of new quality homes to broaden and re-invigorate the local community, both visually and in terms of new residents.

“The existing public space has been upgraded in terms of accessibility and its landscape and ecology to provide and outstanding natural resource for the local community.”

Durham County Council will determine the application at public planning committee to be held later this year.

The application is currently at the public consultation stage and people who live nearby should have been contacted for their views.