A PROFESSIONAL scooter world champion has been showing off his skills in a newly refurbished skate park.

Californian Dakota Schuetz (correct) put on a display for youngsters while he was checking out the ramps at the R-Kade Skate Park in Redcar on Thursday (May 2).

The talented teenager also signed merchandise for his fans while he was taking part in a photo-shoot for Scoot Mag.

Skate park owner Nicki Whaites (correct)said: “It was a really good event and he spent more than five hours here. He really enjoyed the skate park and the youngsters who came along to see him loved it.

“He was really good with them, he spent time with them and was more than happy to have his photograph taken with them – he really is a credit to the sport.”

The owners of the skate park heavily invested in the park last year to are planning to create an outdoor park to continue to attract visitors.

She said: “Dakota was really impressed with the park and we get people coming from all over the region so it shows the investment is paying off.”