A PARALYMPIC star has been visiting schools in the region to help inspire them aim for gold in their achievements.

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson visited St Peter’s Catholic College in South Bank to work with year 9 pupils and to present the school with an Investors in Careers awards.

She allowed the students to see her medals emphasising achievement is possible for all provided they put in effort and hard work.

Headteacher Pamela Hanrahan said “Tanni is a very inspiring person. St Peter’s are honoured to have such a fantastic role model coming into school to work with our students and staff.”

The Paralympic gold medallist then visited The Avenue primary school in Middlesbrough to open its new IT suite which has been equipped thanks to the Olympic legacy.

The equipment - Locog used nearly 16,000 computers during the Olympics and Paralympics - was used by workers at the 2012 Games to process competition scores, manage athlete itineraries and offer media support.

After the Games the computers were refurbished and offered to schools at a fraction of the normal cost to help youngsters gain access to technology and help them with schoolwork, homework, coursework and revision.

Baroness Grey –Thompson said: "The school has wholeheartedly embraced a sporting legacy, and also a more tangible legacy in the new IT facility that the Games-time computers have helped to achieve.

"I am sure that the pupils will be encouraged and inspired by the new equipment."

Headteacher Darren Gamble said: " The Olympic ethos is an important lesson for pupils that they can achieve their dreams through hard work and continued effort, and those principles are not restricted to sport but are echoed as they strive to succeed in the digital age too.”