TELEVISION presenter Jules Hudson is to launch Dalescape, the Durham dales' first walking festival.

The popular host of programmes such as Escape to the Country and Countryfile will open the festival at a special dinner at the Morritt Hotel, Greta Bridge, near Barnard Castle, on Saturday, June 8.

Dalescape comprises two main events, a series of guided walks from June 7 to 9 and a longer Dales Three Rivers Challenge between September 20 and 22.

Project manager Dr Anne Allen said: “Jules is a well known face and is closely connected to all things country.

“We could hardly have anyone better to launch Teesdale and Weardale’s first walking festival.”

She added: “Dalescape is already attracting a lot of attention among enthusiasts, both long distance walkers and people who prefer a short ramble.”

The guided walks will include special themes such as art, Nordic walking or teaching navigational skills and may also be linked to other interests such as yoga, a spa, creative writing or bushcraft.

The Dales Three Rivers Challenge is a long distance route from Low Force waterfall to Barnard Castle taking in the Tees, Lune and Balder.

Information, expressions of interest and bookings can be made online at, by email at or by telephoning 0300 262626.

The Dalescape Walking Festival Office is at Woodleigh, Flatt's Road, Barnard Castle.

Tickets for the Jules Hudson dinner are £45 and are limited to 65. Bookings can be made direct at the Morritt on 01833-627232.