A FARM in the North-East is streaming live lambing online.

Hall Hill Farm, a visitor attraction near Lanchester, County Durham, has now switched on its Lamb Cam so people can see lambs being born on their computers.

Ann Darlington, the farm’s tourism manager said: “We like to keep introducing new ideas here at Hall Hill Farm.

“Our Lamb-Cam proved very popular last year with hundreds of people commenting via social media about what they were able to see online and asking us questions about the lambing process.

“Lambing Live and other programmes such as SpringWatch are really popular when screened on our TV’s that we thought we’d let our visitors see our own animals online so they get to know more about the countryside and farming.

“Over 100 lambs were born in total last year and we are expecting a busy few weeks ahead for the cameras.”

The streaming will show everything from live births, feeding, frolicking and snoozing.

Mrs Darlington said: “We hope it will be both entertaining and educational for viewers and above all else an amazing experience as they watch from the comfort of their own homes or in the classroom.”

To watch Lamb-Cam go to: www.hallhillfarm.co.uk/lamb-cam.aspx

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