ENTUSIASTIC walkers are invited to get out and about in County Durham this summer with the help of a new events guide.

Durham County Council’s programme of guided walks is available to download for anyone wishing to get involved and enjoy the region’s scenery.

There are nearly 200 walks on offer throughout County Durham’s countryside between April and September.

Maria Murphy, countryside development officer at Durham County Council, said: “By downloading the programme you will undoubtedly find a guided walk that is suitable for you.

“We have walks under two miles right up to the more strenuous 17 miles and the walks cover many interests such as nature, history, photography, art and creative writing.”

All guided walks cost £4 per person. No advance booking is required and people are invited to turn up on the day.

To request a hard copy email countryside@durham.gov.uk, alternatively call the countryside service on 03000-264-589.