SHARP-eyed skywatchers in the North-East caught a glimpse of a comet flying through the night sky, more than 93 million miles from Earth.

Comet PanSTARRS was pictured in the sky above Darlington during a break in the clouds on Friday night (March 15) with the icy comet's trailing tail soaring over the spires of St Cuthbert's Church and Darlington Town Clock.

The comet is thought to originate from the Oort Cloud, a vast region containing millions of comets located more than two light years from the Sun.

It will be visible in the northern hemisphere for the next few weeks, but it is heading away from our solar system and is not expect to return for another 100,000 years.

Comet PanSTARRS is one of two comets which will appear in the night sky this year in the UK.

Later this year, in November and December, Comet ISON is expected to be one of the brightest comets ever seen and experts believe it will be brighter than the moon in the night sky.

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