A WOMAN in her 60s was left traumatised after she was sexually assaulted in her home by a man she recognised from a shopping trip.

A police spokesman said the victim answered a knock at her door in Consett, County Durham, at about 4.30pm on Sunday, December 2, to a man she had seen about three months earlier in the town centre.

The man, who is in mid 60s, pushed his way into her home and grabbed her by the neck and assaulted her.

She managed to free herself and pushed the man away who then fled.

Detective Constable Sarah Hindmarsh of Consett CID said: “The victim was out shopping with her sister when she bumped into this male in the Consett bus station about three months ago – it was early September, just after the bad storm.

“He engaged them in a brief conversation, saying things like 'I haven’t seen you two in years'.

“The victim recognised his face, but didn’t know where from and is trying to wrack her brains to try and think where she knows him from.”

She thought nothing of it until the man knocked at her door.

PC Hindmarsh said: “Because she recognised him from the shopping trip,  she wasn’t alerted to anything. She went back into to her house to stop the dog escaping when he walked in uninvited.

“He grabbed her by the neck and assaulted her. She managed to free herself and she forced him out of the house and locked her door.”

She added: "This was a very frightening experience for this lady who had been left badly shaken by it.

“Fortunately, she did not suffer any serious physical injury.

"We would like to hear from anyone who knows anyone matching the description of the attacker and are issuing an e-fit in the hope that someone recognises the man and contacts us."

The suspect is described as being in his mid 60s, 5ft 4in, of average build, with short thinning grey hair and a full face.

He was wearing a beige t-shirt with blue jeans with a belt.

Anyone with information should contact DC Hindmarsh at Consett CID through the police non-emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555-111.