ROCK NATIVITY: More than 100 children will perform Rock Nativity at Ferryhill Baptist Church on tomorrow (December 20), Friday and Saturday. Performances will be at 7pm each day with a matinee at 2pm on Saturday. Tickets cost £10 adults or £9 concessions from 01740-655437.

POPPY FUNDS: The Willington, Crook and District Branch of the Royal British Legion raised £5,729.94 through selling poppies and taking donations, with more still to come in.

PARTNERSHIP MEETING: The Bishop Auckland and Shildon Area Action Partnership board will meet at the Wear Valley Christian Centre in Bishop Auckland at 6pm on Thursday, January 22. Register attendance by calling Emma Walton on 01388-761569.

MUSIC HALL: Jack Drum Arts will host a Music Hall Magic concert featuring young people from across the Durham Dales as well as professional artists at St Cuthbert’s Centre in Crook at 3pm and 6pm on Saturday, December 29. Tickets cost £4 for adults, £3 for students and children or £10 for a family on the door.

CINEMA CLUB: The Upper Weardale Cinema Club will show Arthur Christmas (U) at 6pm and Magic Mike (15) at 7.45pm at the town hall in St John’s Chapel on Friday, December 21. Annual membership costs £2 and each film costs £2 for adults or £1.50 for children.

CHRISTMAS DISCO: A Christmas disco for under 14s will be held at the Weardale Inn in Ireshopeburn from 6.30pm to 9pm on tomorrow, (December 20). Entry costs £3 per child on the door with adults going free. The disco organised by the Friends of St John’s Chapel Primary School will be fancy dress.