A PANEL of independent health experts will visit the North-East tomorrow as part of a fresh review of plans to reduce the number of hospitals allowed to carry out child heart surgery.

The Independent Reconfiguration Panel, headed by former consultant surgeon Lord Bernard Ribeiro, will spend the day at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.

The team is visiting child heart surgery units across the country and gathering information about their work.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has asked the IRP to look again at how a decision to recommend closure at similar units in Leeds, Leicester and London was made, after objections from patient groups in those cities.

Earlier this year, the Freeman Hospital emerged as one of the winners from a national review of child heart surgery.

This initial review - ordered by the Joint Committee of Primary Care Trusts - took place on the recommendation of leading surgeons who felt the service should be concentrated in fewer centres.

After an exhaustive investigation, the JCPCT review recommended that the Freeman's child heart surgery unit should remain open.

The IRP will make its recommendations to the Health Secretary in March.

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