A SCHOOL has created its own smart phone application to ensure that parents can keep up to speed with what is happening.

Normanby Primary School, Middlesbrough, has developed the free app to give out information on term dates, news, events and general information.

Headteacher Carl Faulkner believes the app is the perfect tool to connect parents directly to the school.

He said: “No longer will parents need to search through school bags, behind sofas or on the fridge door for the slip or letter outlining the “back to school” day, the information will now be automatically on their mobile.

“If parents are wondering if they can make that appointment that could clash with parents evening the answer is also there for them on their mobile phone.

“The app allows parents and carers to communicate with the school directly using the phone’s built in functionality.

"There is also the facility for parents to comment on specific items within news stories through a contact form and there should be no excuse for students to forget their kit on sports day.”