Twins among the most premature ever to have survived have both been allowed to return home from hospital for the first time.

Little Harley Garthwaite has now joined his twin Archie at their family home in Hartlepool, Cleveland, after they were born a staggering 17-weeks early.

Their 20-year-old mum Hayley Kennedy says the twins sleep better now they are together.

Harley had to remain at the University Hospital of North Tees in Stockton because his lungs were weaker than his sibling's.

He has spent his life so far in the neo-natal ward but the little battler was given the go-ahead to return to his home in Hartlepool five-and-a-half months after being born.

Tiny Archie was discharged from hospital back in October, aged about four months.

The twins' elated parents Hayley and joiner Billy Garthwaite, both said they now felt 'complete'.

Hayley said: "It's just amazing to have them both together and we still can’t believe we have them both after we thought we were going to lose them."

Archie and Harley defied medical odds when they were born in the 23rd week of their mum's pregnancy weighing just 1lb 4oz and 1lb 6oz each, making them one of the most premature sets of twins in the country to survive being born so early.

The precious pair clung to life despite both having holes in their tiny hearts.

Archie underwent gruelling open heart surgery at just two weeks old with Harley following two weeks later.

Medics also operated on both to correct bowel problems, performed laser treatment to stimulate their underdeveloped eyes and put them on ventilators and oxygen to help them to breathe.

The twins are getting bigger and stronger every day with Archie weighing 8lb 10oz and Harley 9lb 5oz.