CHILDREN put their enterprise skills to good use when they held an old fashioned festive fair.

Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School, in Sedgefield, County Durham, opened its doors to the public for its first community Christmas market today. (Friday, December 7)

Pupils sold items they had produced for a school enterprise project such as wooden toys and handmade sweets.

Other stalls and attractions included a snow machine, face painting, roast chestnuts and other refreshments, a raffle and tombola and charity stalls for The Butterwick Hospice in Bishop Auckland and Stockton.

Headteacher Sally Newton said: “The support of the community attending and donating prizes, especially local businesses who gave generously, was spectacular and it was a great event.

“It was a fantastic way for children to use their skills of business and enterprise and to share their talent, it certainly brought the curriculum to life and was a lovely way for the school and community to get into the festive spirit together.”