A THIEF caused £1,300 worth of damage when he stole a boiler from an empty house which he then sold for £36, a court has heard.

Kieron Lee Wynn, from Ferryhill, admitted stealing the boiler from an empty house in the town when he appeared before magistrates sitting in Newton Aycliffe.

Prosecutor Blair Martin said the 19-year-old of Rydal Road caused extensive damage to pipes during the theft on September 17.

He said there was also water damage and damage to plasterboard worth more than £1,300.

Wynn then sold the boiler for £36.

Graham Silvester, in mitigation, said two other men had committed the crime with Wynn and was sceptical the damage caused was worth that much.

Wynn was given unconditional bail and is due back at the court on Friday, December 14, for sentencing.