CHRISTMAS shoppers were today reminded of the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption.

A one-day event held in Durham City’s Market Place, brought together staff from a range of organisations, including Durham Police, the County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service, and the 4Real alcohol service.

The initiative entitled Alcohol, what’s the price? was  aimed at making people stop and think about the price they might pay after a “night on the tiles”. It was organised by the Durham Police alcohol harm reduction unit.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Dave Orford said: “Being under the influence of alcohol can impact a person in many ways. Clearly it is illegal to drive if you are over the limit.

“People still seem to think that one drink is all they need, but it changes everything.

“In my eyes just don’t drink. And if you have got friends, would you get into a car with someone who has had a drink? I wouldn’t.

“Christmas is about looking after each other – it’s not just about the driver.”

Alcohol harm reduction officer PC Mick Urwin said: “We are trying to put it people’s conscious how alcohol costs everybody. Not just to the purse, but to livelihoods and to health – and there are the consequences of drink-driving.

“We are not trying to stop people from having a good night out, but are just saying if anyone is considering having that extra pint or glass of wine think about the consequences.”

Firefighters showed people a chip pan fire in action to illustrate how dangerous it can be to come home from a night out and start cooking.

The road policing unit also had a simulator machine so people could experience how much drinking damages reactions behind the wheel.