AS Christmas approaches young people will be adding a glow to the night sky with their own festival of light.

Up to 100 young people and children and their families are expected to parade through Whitby’s old town from the Market Place, holding aloft willow lanterns that they have created for the occasion.

They will then climb the 199 steps and parade through St Mary’s churchyard on the cliff top and come together by the abbey for a festival of light.

The event, organised by North Yorkshire County Council’s youth support service, takes place next Friday, December 14, and will start at 7pm.

Area youth worker Jenny Tennant said: “This festival will give young people a chance to enjoy a wonderful spectacle which is of their own making.

“You can create really exciting sculptures with willow and a festival of light seems so appropriate and exciting and such a positive thing for young people in the town to be involved in at this time of year.”