BAD weather is hampering improvement works to a historic bridge in one of the region’s leading resorts.

The work at Whitby’s swing bridge is well underway and repainting of the outside beams is due to finish next Monday.

But high winds and recent heavy rain followed by freezing temperatures and snow have led to delays with the rest of the project.

There have been difficulties in completing the repainting of the internal beams and the underside of the bridge as well as repairs to the structures – known as dolphins - which protect the east and west piers of the bridge.

Repairs to the dolphins should now be completed in January, but repainting of the underside of the bridge, which will mark final completion of the £250,000 upgrade, will now be completed by the middle of March when the threat of icy weather has receded.

However the bridge, built in 1909, will remain operational throughout most of the works, to protect tourism and local businesses

The maintenance work is a major element of a project to reduce the likelihood of breakdowns on the bridge – as happened two years ago when the town was effectively cut in two.

The bridge’s computerised technology has also been updated recently in order for faults to be tracked and located precisely in order to prevent failure and speed up repairs.

Local county councillor Joe Plant said: “We need to do the job properly as this is such an important landmark for the town and we cannot rush to complete the job when the weather is against us.

“We will continue with painting the underside of the bridge as soon as weather conditions improve and we are doing everything possible to ensure that the works do not disrupt the local economy.”