Thirty-five years of skilful
is Wolsingham
Bill Boynes’ influence
was very far-reaching
His wife Muriel, too,
a one-time headmistress of
Lanehead school

Bill was a legend
he ruled the staff room
with wit and teaching anecdotes
he was like a fresh broom
whom every school child
loves to quote

He edited The Phoenix school
he was mean, clean and fair
he was loved everywhere

He moved to Gatehouse of Fleet
in bonnie Scotland
to be near his beloved caravan
when his second wife sadly passed

Bill was a dedicated member
of the St John’s Chapel
Bill was a dedicated member
of the Drama and Felons Society

It’s strange, but it’s true!
Was he a teaching felon?
Did he like to use his cane?
I think not
I see him more as holding
his head up
high in the Weardale rain

Rest in peace Bill
you gave your compatriots
joy, perfection, direction and life

Jules Clare, Crook