BEING married to a killer is no fun. Ask Fiz Stape, who’s marched away in handcuffs in Coronation Street (ITV1).

The fallout from husband John’s murderous activities and identity fraud is landing on Fiz.

Just as she’s adjusting to life as a single mother, the Soapland cops come knocking. As usual, they arrest the wrong person. Not that Fiz is entirely innocent, having falsely claimed the inheritance Joy Fishwick left her son, Colin. Joy was helped to her grave by John, who was posing as Colin, whom he’d also helped stop breathing, at the time.

Fiz now finds herself accused of being involved in Colin’s murder although, in her defence, she knew nothing about it until finding her husband trying to dig up the body in the Underworld knicker factory.

Space is far too limited to explain why he was digging it up rather than leaving it dead and buried but it’s poor Fiz who’s in trouble.

Somehow she gets bail, but it takes knicker-making supremo Carla to bring her to her senses. Pull yourself together, girl, she tells Fiz. You’re only accused of murder and embezzlement. It could be worse – people might be saying you’ve been seen in public without make-up.

So there you have it: Carla’s advice to potential jailbirds – put on a brave face.

In other words, slap on the slap.

Talking of criminials, Fill the Fug is back with an old friend in EastEnders (BBC1). I do hope she doesn’t Rainie on his parade.

Yes, folks, Fill is back with Rainie Cross. They used to share drugs and attend the same support group. (“My name is Fill and I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic and generally allround bad person”).

Rainie’s return is a reminder of Fill’s drug-filled days and her nattering on about the high times they had on crack makes him wish for the old days. After a boring night in with girlfriend Surely Shirley – watching Britain’s Got Talent isn’t Fill’s idea of fun – he decides a night out with Rainie at a support group session might be more interesting. That shows how desperate he is.

Things are much brighter in Emmerdale (ITV1) where Jackson wants to end it all (his life, not his contract) with the help of his mother and his lover.

And Fill thinks he’s having a bad time.

There is some good news for the Yorkshire folk after David and Leyla get engaged, but not without a bit of drama.

She decides to propose to him (that they get married, not that they have a Chinese takeaway because she can’t be bothered to cook), only David gets in first and proposes to her.

Imagine his shock when she says no.

And for good reason. She’s not going to waste all her planning – and goes down on one knee to propose to him. Aaaah, how romantic.