MY random notes made during Berwick Kaler’s 32th Theatre Royal pantomime give an indication of what to expect – stairlift, Mrs Nutt, spaceship, meerkat, sumo wrestler, Patricia the cow, Glee club, brain-washing machine, Lady Gaga, Laurel and Hardy.

They also indicate the somewhat diverse nature of the plot (I use the term loosely), which involves jelly beans, aliens and a chicken that thinks it’s a monkey.

Kaler’s dame, Mrs Nutt, makes her entrance on a stairlift – or starlift as she/he prefers to call it. And I must admit there are times during the first half when the production seems to be moving as slowly as a stairlift.

As a writer and co-director (with Damian Cruden), Kaler is never one to short change his audience. And, like last year, the result is too much of a good thing.

Some trimming is needed, along with the removal of jokes and routines that don’t work as well as they used to, such as slapstick and bellringing comic turns.

With the plot abandoned in the second half, the only thing to do is sit back and enjoy Kaler’s mix of traditional panto elements and contemporary matters, such as Lady Gaga and Jedward (here amusingly lampooned as Backward).

This shouldn’t take away from a spectacular production that’s lavishly staged and skilfully performed by a cast led by regulars Suzy Cooper, Martin Barrass and David Leonard (as Nastidramas, the latest in a long line of outstanding villains).

Kaler regulars – and audiences return from all over the country each year – won’t be disappointed. The rest of us know that the show will be nipped and tucked to perfection in coming weeks.

■ Until January 29. Tickets 01904-623568 and online Steve Pratt