WHAT’S your favourite West End musical?

Bet they’ve got it covered in this marathon production, nearly 50 of the best-known musical shows from the Thirties to present day, presented by seven all-singing, all-dancing young performers who will knock your socks off.

The pace is exhausting; near the end, the cast members collapse to the floor, gasping for breath – only to jump up and do a four-minute, laughout- loud lightning tour of current West End shows.

The songs, of course, are among the best ever written and this alone would make for an enjoyable evening, but add to that the quality of the voices, the zesty dancing and the apparent enjoyment of the performers, and this production becomes an absolute knockout.

Big ballads from Oliver!, Les Miserables and Miss Saigon raise the goosebumps on your arms, while the house rocks to the Blues Brothers, Jersey Boys and Buddy. There’s plenty of tap numbers, too, from 42nd Street, Crazy For You and Singin’ in the Rain.

The company even spent six weeks learning circus tricks for the Barnum sequence. Not everything went entirely as planned in this respect, but Adam Scown did manage to whisk away a tablecloth without disturbing the crockery – something I’ve always wanted to do.

What a terrific way to kick off the season, a feel-good crowdpleaser that has the audience smiling all the way through. I absolutely loved it.

■ Until tomorrow. Box office: 01325-486555

Sue Heath