THERE’S a right old Kat flap in Albert Square when a strangely familiar but not immediately recognisable figure arrives in EastEnders (BBC1). The face beneath the blonde wig certainly looks like someone Walford’s seen before although the bulky trenchcoat makes it difficult to know whether it’s someone with the body of Twiggy or Ann Widdecombe.

Of course as soon as she opens her mouth (or ‘er marf as they say in the East End) we know exactly who it is – Kat Moon, or Kat Slater that was. Her nan, Big Mo (although the Only Mo left in the Square), forms the reception committee, but it’s a low key return as the Kat who’s being hotly pursued by a pair of heavies (and that’s not a reference to Kelly Brook) upset by the scam that she and husband Alfie pulled during their world tour.

The Slater clan are pleased to see Kat back in the bosom of the family although her reluctance to take off her coat makes them wonder if she intends to stay around.

Her story that Alfie is dead backfires when he walks through the door. But his timing is good as he manages to scare off the aforementioned heavies by claiming to be the cops. He’s actually been in prison not a coffin.

She’s not over the Moon to see Alfie, blaming him for six months of aggro while he’s been enjoying himself inside. It soon emerges that Kat has been having a good time too. She opens her trenchcoat to reveal - a bump. She’s a full Moon.

But the news isn’t good for Alfie, who keeps making sarky comments about how fat she’s got.

“I ain’t fat. I’m pregnant – and it’s not yours,” she screams at him in time-honoured Enders fashion.

In another part of the Square, Minty has his pick of two women. I don’t know, you wait for one for ages and two come along together.

In the red corner is Heather and son George, in the blue corner is Sam and son Richard.

Matters are complicated as he’s said he’ll marry Heather but will he be able to resist the offer of a life abroad with Sam, the woman he truly loves?

Every dog has his day and Clyde isn’t looking so bonnie in Emmerdale (ITV1). Aaron’s pet pooch is the innocent victim when his master tangles with thug Mickey after selling him a dodgy car. Mechanic Aaron does the deal to impress the man he wants to like – Cain. Not a very good role model, I’d suggest, as lying and cheating are his stock in trade.

Anyway, Mickey wrecks the garage and smaShes all the windows of the cars on the forecourt. A confrontation ends with Aaron using Clyde to threaten Mickey. Not a good move.

Aaron returns home later to find his beloved dog has been savaged by Mickey’s dog. Or maybe Mickey did it. He looks the sort.

Not a good week for Natasha either in Coronation Street (ITV1).

Her engagement is followed by the exposure of her baby lies. The hairdresser has been fibbing about being pregnant by boyfriend Nick.

But she’s not about to give up her chance of marrying Nick (a man from whom most women would run a mile in Roger Bannister time).

Then Nick’s mother, Gail the hamster, pokes her twitchy little nose in. She doesn’t like Natasha, suspects she’s not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So the doctor’s receptionist does something she shouldn’t – reads Natasha’s medical notes and finds she’s had a termination and lied about still being in the club.

When she confronts Nastasha, it will all end in tears. Or worse