THE wave of Sixties nostalgia shows no sign of tiring and riding high is this twee-sounding effort from Bill Kenwright and Laurie Mansfield, inspired by a popular compilation album.

So, somewhere in Essex in 1961, we’re bopping to the songs which accompanied teenage angst at St Mungo’s Youth Club. Of course, the characters are straight out of the songbook. Bobby (X Factor’s Scott Bruton), hence Bobby’s Girl; Laura (the emerging talent of Daisy Wood-Davis) with a quick burst of Tell Laura I Love Her and Sue (Jennifer Biddall from Hollyoaks) as Runaround Sue and Little Town Flirt. That’s the love triangle upset by the arrival of Norman (Emmerdale’s Ben Freeman).

He also deposes Bobby as lead singer of the club’s group as Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran’s witty script almost manages to stitch this entire project together. I say almost because the references to pre-marital sex seem to have been culled from the notes passed at the back of a junior school’s fourth form.

Perhaps that’s part of the charm as this project heads for the West End’s Savoy Theatre.

David Cardy, from Marks and Gran’s Birds Of A Feather, pops up as older Bobby telling the story and his dad, while a large and talented cast of triple-threat performers manages most of the standards… plus the title track turned into words and music (although I couldn’t find it credited to anyone in the programme).

Emma Hatton as Donna and the female brass section of Sophie Byrne and Wendy Paver were plus points for a musical following a well-beaten track. Perhaps the Sixties fans will actually bop till they drop… well it’s better than retirement.

■ Runs until Saturday. Box Office: 0844-847-2499. Next season, the show tours to Darlington Civic Theatre, September 21-25. Box office: 01325-486555