REMEMBER the christening in Sleeping Beauty when the wicked fairy puts a curse on the beautiful princess? That’s a jolly and happy occasion compared to little Amy’s christening in EastEnders (BBC1).

Coming so soon after the fiasco of Peggy and Archie’s wedding, it’s beginning to look like there’s something amiss with the organisational skills of the Mitchell family.

Mum Roxy faces the music on the big day, feeling upset that sister and godmother Da-Do-Ron- Ronnie has taken over the arrangements. When she turns up drunk, it’s the final straw and upset Roxy is driven straight into the arms – and lips – of Jack.

As he’s the man who’s been playing romantic piggy in the middle with the sisters for some time, the result of this near-snog is explosive.

The godmother heads back to the Vic – for another drink probably – and Jack is all set to pursue her until Roxy tells him he needs to decide which one of them he loves most.

Amy or Ronnie? Why don’t the BBC have a phone vote and make a few bob out of Jack’s dilemma?

What a welcome back for Peggy from that holiday she took to recover from her wedding to villainous Archie. She finds the Mitchell sisters at loggerheads and son Fill the Fug drunk and disorderly.

Heather can’t decide whether to own up over the identity of the mystery man who fathered her unborn child. Another ideal opportunity for a phone vote.

In Emmerdale (ITV1), Natasha Wylde is growing increasingly suspicious of husband Mark’s behaviour (or it could just be bad acting, I’m not sure). She follows him to find out where he’s going.

But he’s cleverer than she thinks – or he looks – and when he spots her, changes direction and heads for the golf course.

Elsewhere, Natasha is throwing her money around by offering financial help to Debbie in her fight with Handy Andy for sole custody of Sarah. That’s typical of the rich – they think by throwing money at a problem they can solve it. Debbie’s dad, the newlyreturned Cain, is as suspicious of her motives as Natasha is of Mark.

Nothing, I suspect, can save Jimmy and Nicola’s relationship.

They were always an odd couple and he decides to move out of Mill Cottage. Nicola, always an awkward woman, is going nowhere, much to the horror of Carl and Lexi. She reckons she might be pregnant. The thought of a mini-Nicola sends shivers down the spine.

Colin in Coronation Street (ITV1) is a sick man and the stream of visitors to his hospital bed will do nothing to help his condition, especially as one of them is Julie, the woman who’s just found out she’s his daughter.

Dreary Deirdre is shocked when Ken leaves her. She didn’t see it coming despite his regular trips to the canal to go below decks with Martha. Deirdre is surprisingly forgiving.

Mother Blanche, never the most patient of woman, is disgusted by her daughter’s lack of disgust and promptly packs her bags and moves into Peter’s. If anything is likely to drive him back on the booze, it’s having blathering Blanche under his feet.

And a word of warning for those of a nervous disposition.

Photographs of a naked Dev may soon be circulating after Tara gives him one final chance to come clean about his fling with Lisa.

He swears he’s been faithful.

What a liar. Lisa knows he’s telling fibs and resolves to get her revenge using the naked snaps. Dev and the rest of Weatherfield could be in for a shock when the next edition of the Weatherfield Gazette is published.