Stars: Robert De Niro, Robin Wright Penn, Sean Penn, Catherine Keener, Kristen Stewart, Stancy Tucci, Bruce Willis, Michael Wincott, John Turturro
Running time: 102 mins
Rating: Three stars

HOLLYWOOD isn’t very good at laughing at itself but What Just Happened?, based on a memoir by producer Art Linson, has the ring of authenticity.

Perhaps the satire isn’t quite as sharp as it could be but there’s much pleasure to be had watching a first-rate cast poking fun at the successes and excesses of the movie capital of the world.

De Niro stars as Ben, a middleaged Hollywood producer juggling work and a complicated private life in Tinsel Town. As if trying to cope with two ex-wives and families wasn’t bad enough, the test screenings of his latest film, Fiercely, don’t go well.

Studio boss Lou (Keener) says that the film will stay on the shelf unless drastic re-editing is carried out. If only drug-befuddled director Jeremy (Wincott) can be persuaded to re-cut his precious film.

Ben’s next project isn’t going well either. His leading man, Bruce Willis, has grown a big, bushy beard and refuses to shave it off.

And, in case you doubt that facial hair could cause such a row, you should be aware that Linson had a similar argument with one of his leading men.

Outside the studio, Ben can’t keep away from ex-wife Kelly (Robin Wright Penn), is upset by the behaviour of his teenage daughter (Kristen Stewart) and of his friend Scott (Stanley Tucci), who’s showing more than a passing interest in Kelly.

After Meet The Parents, it’s good to see De Niro tackle a comedy with a bit more bite. He’s aided and abetted in poking fun at the movie business by a cast that includes Sean Penn, playing himself – the leading man in Fiercely – and showing that he does have a sense of humour after all.