IT'S festival time again folks, with Whitby's Moor and Coast shindig heralding in another great season tomorrow night, with a fine line-up of guest stars over the weekend, including Carthy Waterson and John Tams and Barry Coope among their usual topclass array of talent.

The whole week is packed with astounding stuff, with tonight's offerings being The Kathryn Tickell Band at Durham's Gala Theatre, and Australian's best export, Bernard Carney, at Darlington Arts Centre. Bernard's also at Reeth Memorial Hall tomorrow with Wendy Arrowsmith in support.

Tomorrow sees The Bad Pennies and myself at the Chillingham Arms in Newcastle as a warm-up for our forthcoming UK tour, and a concert at Stockton's Georgian Theatre with Martin Simpson and Cath and Phil Tyler.

On Monday there's an interesting fusion of styles in celebration of the songs of Robert Burns, with Scots folk queen Karine Polwart among the artists. On Tuesday, Steve and Kristi Nebel are at Croxdale's Daleside Arms, while Wednesday has Johnny Handle and Chris Hendry at Birtley's RAOB Club in what promises to be a memorable night's entertainment.

For fans of the smoother side of folk, I notice that it's James Taylor night on BBC4 tomorrow. I was never a big fan of Mr Taylor in his heyday, but having seen him in concert a few times in recent years, I'm a quite a convert these days.

Meanwhile, in my mind I'm going to Horden Colliery, where you can contact me at with all your scoops, dupes and whoops about all things folk.