TRACY Barlow has a burning ambition in Coronation Street (ITV1), causing her to perform an act that's outlandish even by Soapland's standards.

Terrible Tracy has a touch of the Charles Bronson's in Death Wish - she wants revenge. The object of her disaffection is Charlie Stubbs, the builder with the big toolbox.

Alas, the lure of his Black and Decker power tool is wearing off. After discovering that he'd bedded Maria (which Weatherfield's male residents do like some people have hot dinners), avenging Tracy sets her plan in motion to frame Charlie's-no-longer-my-darling.

She's been carefully planting clues to make it look as if he's mistreating her. The final touch is a spot of ironing. Rather than press Charlie's shirt while he's still wearing it, she has a slug of vodka and then puts a hot iron on her arm. Ouch, that must have hurt. But no pain, no gain.

A spot of screaming brings Claire running from next door. She's already been alerted, via Tracy's false clues, that all is not right between Tracy and Charlie. Under pressure from Claire, Tracy breaks down and claims that Charlie's been abusing her, mentally and physically. The trap is sprung and is can only be a matter of time before Charlie has his chisel taken away from him and is locked away.

The battling Baldwins story rumbles on. While Jamie is busy telling Liam that he's the new partner in knicker factory Underworld, ex-girlfriend Shrinking Violet is finding out that she's pregnant - and that Jamie is the father. His reaction on hearing the news is unexpected as Jamie finally reveals that he's been sleeping with his ex-stepmother Frankie.

Could marriage be on the cards? And is it legal to wed your former stepmother? One person who reckons he will be walking down the aisle is Tom, the king of Kings in Emmerdale (ITV1). He announces that he'll marry Rosemary on Christmas Day, in between Christmas pudding and the Queen's Speech.

The rest of the King clan aren't so sure it's a good thing, what with Rosemary being bankrupt and all that. Surely they can't suspect she's a gold-digger who wants to get her hands on Tom's bank balance not his body. Paul Lambert comes to the rescue of Grayson after he's attacked by homophobic yobs in the park. He offers some story about walking his dog and having his mobile stolen, but who'd believe that?

Certainly not Paul, who catches the other bus (the No 42 from Leeds). His 'gaydar' picks up vibes that Grayson is not as other men either. That's right, he prefers Home And Away to Neighbours. He reveals he's gay and has an arrangement with wife Perdy. Presumably the arrangement is that he sleeps with men rather than her. Not that she minds, as she's been consoling herself in the arms of Matthew the King brother, letting slip in pillow talk that Rosemary is penniless.

Jean Hope packs her bags and her grandson to head off to sunnier climes. She's fed up with Terry's quest for revenge against the Kings for the death in the showhouse explosion of their daughter Dawn. So she takes the compensation from the Kings and leaves Emmerdale forever (or at least under her contract is renewed).

Foul play continues at the Fowlers in EastEnders (BBC1) where Poorly Pauline is not really so poorly after all. Martin and Joe find out that she's been lying about her tumour. She doesn't have one, just a pet dog attached to her arm in a cockernee version of Bob Carolgees and Spit the dog style. Pauline has some confessing to do herself. She admits she knows that her beloved son Mark, formerly the tallest man in soap, is back with his wife Sonia, whom Pauline hates with a vengeance. Meanwhile Martin and Sonia tell Rebecca that they're her parents, thus setting off a chain of events that will surely make the poor girl another of Soapland's lost children, whose family tree is all very complicated.

Barmaid Dawn Swann is revealed as the Walford resident who's pregnant. It's unfortunate that the person who confirms this is local GP May Wight as it's her love rat husband Rob who's the daddy. His solution is to tell Dawn to have a termination. Dr May may decide to terminate her husband, Tracy-style instead.