DARLINGTON Operatic Society are doing it again: raising goosebumps on my arms, this time with their ensemble finale Climb Every Mountain.

I’ve always thought a reviewer should make allowances when children are playing major parts, especially in musicals, but no such kid glove treatment is required for these youngsters.

Jasper Bruce Wright, Abbie Dodsworth, Mackenzie Williamson, Sophie Ruddick, Eleanor Grainger and Madison Parkinson – you’re absolutely brilliant and deserve a day off school to make up for your late night. Chloe Dargue as Liesl and Joe Connor as Rolf, you’re a bit older, so you’re probably used to late nights.

The versatile Julian Cound is almost too straight-laced as Captain Von Trapp, but reveals his soft centre when he chokes with emotion during Eidelweiss, and Rebecca Pedlow’s Mother Abbess sounds a little uncertain at times, understandable on the first night.

Beth Stobbart as Maria brings a smile whenever she takes the stage; her voice is lovely and she is so appealing as the naive but determined governess who is destined never to be a nun.

With youngsters as talented as these (and there’s another team of Von Trapp children appearing in alternate performances), the future is assured for the society, which is good news for them, and for us.

For those who just have to join in, there’s a one-off Sing-A-Long performance on Friday, May 3, lederhosen optional.

More details online at darlington os.org.uk, or on 01325-244659.

  • Until May 4. Tickets 01325-486555 and darlingtoncivic.co.uk

Sue Heath