IT was a triumphant opening night for the returning Russian State Ballet of Siberia, who chose the often-overlooked comic ballet, La Fille Mal Gardee to kick off their 4-day programme at Darlington's Civic Theatre.

Hot on the heels of the pantomime season, this ballet has its own 'Widow Twankey' and frankly, Madame Simone very nearly stole the show, playing up hilariously to the packed auditorium.

However, in this naive tale of a headstrong young girl's determined efforts to wed the beau of her choice, rather than accept the hand of the local vineyard owner's shy son, there were bravura performances from both 'Lise' and 'Colas', who hardly left the stage throughout both Acts.

These are demanding roles and they were performed with immaculate technique and feeling by both, with a particularly moving ending to Act II Scene I, when Madame Simone finally agrees to allow Lise to marry her Colas.

The Corps de Ballet was full of youthful vigour and combined with such pretty costumes and music, this show bodes well for the performances of Swan Lake tonight, Friday and for The Nutcracker on Saturday and Sunday.

I, for one, hope this company includes Darlington in their next tour of the UK.

Review: Marj Nelson