BUSINESS & Enterprise North East acquired the North East Regional International Trade Office (NERITO), which delivers the UKTI services in the region, in April 2009, bringing overseas trade and investment support closer to other key BE-NE services.

The move has further simplified business support in the region and is helping more businesses to trade overseas and invest in foreign markets successfully.

Statistics, based on figures compiled by HM Revenue and Customs, have shown that during the final quarter of 2009, just under £2.758bn worth of goods were exported from the North East – the fifth highest quarterly value ever recorded in the region.

The total value of goods exported from the North East for the whole of 2009 was £9.626bn, a 15 per cent fall on the previous year’s total of £11.3bn, but still the secondhighest annual value recorded in the region.

David Coppock, UK Trade and Investment’s international trade director, said: “In light of the economic situation we fully expected the 2009 total to be lower than the previous year, but it’s a positive sign to see that the figures increased during the final quarter of the year.

“Our challenge now is to aim to keep up the momentum and support companies as they seek new overseas opportunities to help further boost the region’s economy.

“Companies should still be looking to take advantage of a lower sterling value against the Euro in sales activity and we’re here to help every step of the way.”

He said: “Whether a company is an experienced or novice exporter, we have a range of services designed to offer the practical help and support they need to succeed.”

Nicki Clark, assistant chief executive at BE-NE, which also delivers the Business Link service and North East of England Investment Centre in the region, said: “As the UK continues to be affected by the impact of the economic downturn, it’s more important than ever for North East businesses to broaden their horizons and be open to new opportunities, including those that exist within overseas markets.

“Trading internationally can be an effective way for businesses to attract customers, gain a competitive edge and safeguard their futures, which is crucial to the long-term prosperity of the region’s economy.”

To find out about the support services available through UK Trade and Investment to help companies involved in international trade call the North East International Trade Hotline on 0845 05 05 054 or email