Commercial Property Consultants Lofthouse and Partners is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.

The Wearside-based chartered surveying practice was established in 1985, specialising in commercial property agency, acquisition, landlord and tenant matters, valuation and rating appeals.

Directors Mario Jaconelli and Marc Weaver share 36 years service, having joined the firm in 1988 and 1996 respectively.

Mario Jaconelli, director of agency and acquisition at L&P, said: “We have a dedicated team of directors and staff all of whom have been with us for a number of years and are very proud to have reached this important landmark.

“Although the market has been challenging for most companies operating in the property industry over the past two years, we have seen major growth across certain areas of our business, particularly property management and acquisitions. While management fees have increased by 11% over this period, perhaps more notable is the almost five-fold increase in acquisition fees. We put this down to clients recognising specialist advice, which is paramount when operating under poor market conditions.

“On the acquisition side, the few who have been fortunate enough to be in a position to expand or relocate premises have benefited from using our knowledge and experience and use of the market to their advantage by negotiating some very generous incentives.”

Marc Weaver, director of professional services, said: “While we will always continue to represent local individuals who have supported us over past 25 years, the firm’s client base now extends to national and international companies, multiple retailers, UK and overseas property companies, and high-street banks.

“Our commercial property management portfolio is expanding and reaches not only across North-East but over to the North-West and down to the South-West.

“To reach this milestone is testament to the principles upon which the firm was established back in 1985 – professional advice and service.”