WE’VE now come to the end of our series looking at the “Top traits of successful exporters” – vision, commitment, focus, research, planning, training, relationship building, quality, adaptation and energy.

These are the common characteristics that are often shared by those who do well in international markets. But even if you feel you do not possess all of these qualities, I hope the articles have helped you think about how you can put your business in the international spotlight.

Of course, these are not things that are impossible to achieve if you don’t already have them – you don’t have to be born with these skills, you can learn them or take positive action to behave or conduct your business in a particular way to maximise your chances of success.

Exporting, as with any other aspect of business, does have risks but the rewards speak for themselves - research has shown that companies involved in overseas trade were on average larger, more productive, paid higher wages and used more capital-intensive production methods than non-exporting rivals.

Through international trade companies can also increase turnover and profitability, utilise spare capacity and spread business risk.

And the good news is you do not have to do it alone - UK Trade & Investment is here to help. We work closely with our many partners across the region, including One NorthEast and the North East Chamber of Commerce to ensure companies have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

We have a dedicated team of International Trade Advisers across the region who work with companies on an individual basis to help them identify potential markets, draw up and implement an export plan.

We also organise an extensive programme of market visits allowing companies to explore overseas opportunities with like-minded businesses and stage local events a across the North East providing access to expert opinion and experience.

Through UK Trade & Investment companies can gain access to commercial officers at British Embassies and Consulates across the globe and we offer a wide range of support services such as our Passport to Export programme and Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS) that can be tailor-made to suit an individual company’s needs.

Our aim is to help more companies, in more sectors, export to more markets. Whether you’re an experienced exporter looking to break into new and different markets or a novice who has never considered international trade before, make your first port of call UK Trade & Investment.

So, have you got what it takes?

To find out more call the North East International Trade Hotline on 0845-050-5054 or email enquiries@ukti.rito.co.uk